How to Troubleshoot Yocan Uni Blinking 5 Times: Quick Fixes

To troubleshoot a Yocan Uni blinking 5 times, first, check if the battery is low and needs to be recharged. Connect the vape pen to the charger and allow it to charge fully.

If the issue persists, try cleaning the components of the vape pen and ensure all connections are secure. If the problem still persists, it could indicate a more serious issue such as a burnt-out coil or an electrical short. In such cases, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or seek professional assistance for further troubleshooting and repair.

Understanding Vape Pen Blinking

When it comes to troubleshooting vape pens, understanding the meaning behind the blinking lights is crucial. The light color and the number of blinks can provide important information about your device’s status and potential issues. In this section, we will explore the meaning of vape pen light color and how to interpret the number of blinks.

Meaning Of Vape Pen Light Color

The light color of your vape pen can serve as an indicator for heat or voltage setting. Common light colors include blue, green, white, or red, depending on the device. Different colors may represent different temperature or voltage levels, giving you a clue about the intensity of your vaping experience. Refer to the table below for a quick reference:

Light Color Meaning
Blue Low temperature or voltage setting
Green Medium temperature or voltage setting
White High temperature or voltage setting
Red Peak temperature or voltage setting

Interpreting The Number Of Blinks

Aside from the light color, the number of blinks can also provide valuable information when troubleshooting your vape pen. Whether it blinks once, twice, or five times, each blink pattern signifies a particular issue or notification from the device’s PCB chip. Here are some common interpretations of the number of blinks:

  1. Blinking once: A single blink may indicate that your pen is turned on or off.
  2. Blinking twice: Two blinks may suggest that your device is in standby mode.
  3. Blinking five times: If your vape pen blinks five times, it could indicate a low battery, a burnt-out coil, or other issues that require attention.

It’s worth noting that the specific blink patterns and their interpretations may vary depending on the brand and model of your vape pen. Consulting the device’s user manual or reaching out to the manufacturer’s support can provide further insights into the meaning behind the number of blinks.

In conclusion, understanding the vape pen’s blinking lights is an essential skill for troubleshooting. By paying attention to the light color and the number of blinks, you can identify potential issues and take appropriate action to resolve them. Remember to refer to the provided references and support channels for device-specific information and personalized assistance.

Common Reasons For Vape Pen Blinking

If you’re experiencing blinking lights on your Yocan Uni vape pen, it’s important to address the issue to ensure optimal performance. The blinking lights can indicate various problems that need troubleshooting. In this section, we will explore the common reasons behind vape pen blinking and provide solutions to help you resolve the issue.

Low Battery

One of the primary reasons for vape pen blinking is a low battery. When the battery level drops below a certain threshold, the device will alert you by blinking the lights. To resolve this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Charge your vape pen using the provided USB cable.
  2. Ensure the charging port is clean and free from debris.
  3. Check the connection between the battery and the charger for any loose connections.
  4. Leave your vape pen connected to the charger for a sufficient amount of time until it is fully charged.

Faulty Cartridge

Another common reason for vape pen blinking is a faulty cartridge. If the cartridge is not making sufficient contact with the battery, it can cause the device to blink. To troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Remove the cartridge from the vape pen.
  2. Inspect the cartridge for any visible damage or debris.
  3. Clean the connection points on both the cartridge and the battery.
  4. Reattach the cartridge securely to ensure a proper connection.
  5. Try using a different cartridge to see if the blinking issue persists.

Dirty Components

Dirty components can also contribute to vape pen blinking. Over time, residue and debris can accumulate on the battery and cartridge connections, leading to poor conductivity. To resolve this issue:

  1. Disconnect the cartridge from the battery.
  2. Clean the battery and cartridge connections with a cotton swab lightly dampened with rubbing alcohol.
  3. Allow the connections to dry completely before reattaching the cartridge.
  4. Ensure a secure connection between the battery and the cartridge.

Loose Connection

A loose connection between the battery and the cartridge can cause the vape pen to blink. It’s essential to check the connection and ensure it is secure. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Detach the cartridge from the battery.
  2. Inspect the connection points for any signs of damage or misalignment.
  3. Gently realign and reattach the cartridge to the battery, ensuring a snug fit.
  4. Test the vape pen to see if the blinking issue has been resolved.


If your vape pen becomes too hot, it may start blinking to indicate an overheating issue. Overheating can occur if you use the device excessively or if the internal components are not functioning correctly. To address this problem:

  1. Allow your vape pen to cool down by setting it aside for a few minutes.
  2. Avoid using the device continuously for long periods.
  3. Inspect the airflow vents on your vape pen and ensure they are not blocked.
  4. If the overheating issue persists, consider contacting the manufacturer for further assistance.

Damaged Coil

A damaged coil can also trigger blinking lights on your vape pen. If the coil is burnt out or defective, it may affect the performance of the device. Here’s how you can troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Remove the cartridge from the battery.
  2. Inspect the coil for any signs of damage or discoloration.
  3. If the coil appears burnt or damaged, replace it with a new one.
  4. Ensure the coil is properly installed and secure.
  5. Reattach the cartridge to the battery and test the vape pen.

By addressing these common reasons for vape pen blinking, you can troubleshoot the issue and continue enjoying your vape with peace of mind.

Troubleshooting Yocan Uni Blinking 5 Times

If you own a Yocan Uni vape mod and you notice that it is blinking 5 times, there may be a few issues that you can troubleshoot. These blinking lights can indicate a problem with the cartridge center pin, magnet, or even the battery. In this section, we will explore some common issues and their solutions to help you resolve the blinking 5 times problem and get back to vaping smoothly.

Issue With The Cartridge Center Pin

One common reason for the Yocan Uni to blink 5 times is when the cartridge center pin is not making sufficient contact. The center pin is responsible for connecting the cartridge to the battery. If it is recessed or not aligned properly, the connection may not be established, resulting in the blinking lights. To fix this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the cartridge from the Uni device.
  2. Inspect the center pin on both the battery and cartridge to ensure they are clean and free from any debris.
  3. Gently pull out the center pin on the Uni battery using a small tool or tweezers.
  4. Place the cartridge back onto the Uni, aligning the center pin and ensuring a secure connection.

If the cartridge center pin was causing the issue, the blinking lights should cease, and your Uni should function properly.

Yocan Uni Blink Issues And Solutions

If the issue persists even after addressing the cartridge center pin, it may be necessary to explore other potential causes. Here are a few additional solutions that could help resolve the blinking 5 times issue:

  • Tightening the Magnet: The Yocan Uni uses a magnet to secure the cartridge in place. If the magnet is loose, it might cause connectivity problems. Try tightening the magnet to ensure a snug fit and proper contact between the cartridge and battery.
  • Trying a Different Magnet: In some cases, the magnet itself may be faulty. If tightening the magnet doesn’t resolve the issue, try using a different magnet to see if that solves the blinking problem. You can purchase compatible magnets online or contact Yocan customer support for assistance.

By following these solutions, you can troubleshoot the Yocan Uni blinking 5 times issue effectively and get your vape mod back in working order.

Other Troubleshooting Tips For Yocan Uni

The Yocan Uni blinking 5 times could indicate various issues such as low battery, short circuit, or connection problems. If you encounter this blinking signal, there are a few other troubleshooting steps you can take to address the issue.

Charging Issues

If you are experiencing charging issues with your Yocan Uni, follow these steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Check the charging cable for any damages or loose connections.
  2. Try using a different USB cable or power source to charge the device.
  3. Clean the charging port and the connector pins on the Yocan Uni using a dry, soft cloth to ensure a good connection.

Flashing Lights Troubleshooting

When encountering flashing lights on your Yocan Uni, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the battery level and recharge if necessary.
  • Inspect the connection between the cartridge and the Yocan Uni to ensure it is secure and making sufficient contact.
  • If the unit continues to blink after troubleshooting, try using a different cartridge to determine if the issue is with the cartridge itself.

How To Fix Vape Pen Blinking Problems

If your Yocan Uni vape pen is blinking 5 times, it can be an indication of several issues. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the blinking problem and ensure a smooth vaping experience.

Recharging The Battery

If your Yocan Uni vape pen blinks 5 times, it could be due to a low battery. To fix this, connect the vape pen to a power source using the USB charger provided with the device. Allow it to charge fully before attempting to use it again.

Replacing The Cartridge

In some cases, a blinking vape pen may be caused by a faulty or depleted cartridge. If recharging the battery does not resolve the issue, try replacing the cartridge with a new one. Ensure that the new cartridge is securely attached to the device to prevent any connectivity issues.

Cleaning The Components

Dirty components can also cause the Yocan Uni vape pen to blink 5 times. Disassemble the device and clean the connection points between the battery and the cartridge using a cotton swab or a soft cloth. This can help ensure a secure connection and prevent blinking issues.

Ensuring A Secure Connection

Loose connections between the battery and cartridge can lead to blinking problems. Check that the components are properly attached and aligned, and tighten any loose parts to ensure a secure connection. This can help prevent the device from blinking unexpectedly.

Preventing Overuse

Overuse of the vape pen can also cause it to blink repeatedly. To prevent this, follow the recommended usage guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Avoid using the device continuously for extended periods, as this can lead to overheating and blinking issues.

Checking For Coil Damage

If none of the above steps resolve the blinking problem, inspect the coil for any signs of damage or wear. A damaged coil can disrupt the functionality of the vape pen, leading to blinking issues. Replace the coil if necessary to ensure smooth operation of the device.


To troubleshoot the Yocan Uni blinking 5 times, it is essential to understand that the blinking pattern indicates specific issues. It could be a low battery that requires recharging or a problem with the cartridge not making sufficient contact. Cleaning the components, tightening the magnet, or trying a different one may help resolve the issue.

Additionally, checking for any electrical short occurring or a damaged coil inside the device is crucial. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can fix the blinking issue and enjoy a seamless vaping experience with your Yocan Uni.

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